Saturday, August 14, 2010

Then Computronian, now CdDian

It has been 8 years of teaching. Yet, I still don't consider myself a teacher, instructor, educator, or professor. Why? I am persuaded by Malcolm Gladwell. In his book "Outliers" he said that to be an expert in a profession or undertaking, you must have a training of 10,000 hours. If you'll be trained for at least 3 hours every day, that is approximately 10 years. You now know why I still don't call myself a teacher. I need 2 more years before I finally say to the whole world: "I am a teacher!"

But I agree to everyone, 8-year teaching is not a short time. I have learnt a lot from people I met along the way and whom I spent time with . My students, colleagues, classmates in the graduate school. You are wonderful! You changed me in a wonderful way. The school where I teach has changed a lot. From Computronix College to Colegio de Dagupan and soon a university. Hail Computronians! CdD would never gone a long way without us who were there in the past and bridged the crucial transitions.

We will constantly change for the better. Always remember, however, that in every change you'll make, something or someone has helped you to do so. Get going!